Augmented Reality Artwork

Using two devices, you can try out the AR content below, or
Scroll to the bottom to watch some more videos about my AR projects.

Web Based AR Examples:
Open this webpage on your computer screen, or device #1
Scan the QR code on the imagery below with your phone, or device #2
The QR will re-open the the camera on your phone through my website.
Point your phone at your computer screen to see the AR animations.

App Based AR Examples:
I created my own AR Mobile app, it is called "Fractal Spirit AR"
Download the "Fractal Spirit AR" app on to your mobile device.
With the app open, point the camera on your phone at the images below.
Rotate your phone around your computer screen to see from other angles.

Download now on Google Play
Download now on Apple app store


Watch this short video to see the process of creating a series of AR installations for the city of Santa Clarita, California..

Watch this short video to see the process of creating "Electromagnetism", an Augmented Reality mural.

Watch this short video to see the process of creating "Maypop", an Augmented Reality mural.

Watch this video to learn more about my merchandise and apparel company, Fractal Spirit, and the AR products that work with my mobile app